박현준 목사님은 인생의 의미를 질문하던 고등학교 시절 자신의 존재와 삶의 목적을 찾지 못해 고민했었는데 마태복음 10 장 29-31 절 말씀 묵상을 통해 자신이 얼마나 하나님 안에서 귀한 존재로 창조되었는지를 깨닫게 되고 인생의 목적을 발견, 하나님을 섬기기로 결심하게 됩니다. 연세대학교 신학대학, 대학원을 졸업 (BA, MTh)한 후 보스톤대학교의 신학대학원에 진학을 하게 되며 보스톤에서 만난 값있는 삶을 사시는 폴김 목사님과 김금하 전도사님 헌신과 사랑으로 진정한 목회의 길로 헌신하게 됩니다. Golden Gate 신학대학을 거쳐 (M Div) 2000년에 보스톤에서 안수를 받고 LA 버클랜드침례교회 한어부 목사로 섬기게 되었고 2002년 모교회인 Compass Fellowship Church에서 한어부 사역을 시작케 하셨습니다. 또한 모교회의 기도와 아낌없는 사랑의 빚을 지고 창립하게 된 Faithful 한인침례교회를 섬기고 계십니다. 용림사모님은 학창시절 대학교에서 음악으로 섬기는 일에 헌신을 하셨었는데 지금은 말씀을 전하시는 일로 섬기시고 계십니다. 찬양하는 기쁨도 귀하지만 말씀을 통해 구원받는 영혼들이 생기고 삶이 변하는 것을 보는 기쁨과는 바꿀 수 없다고 고백합니다. 

During high school, Pastor Hyunjoon had wrestled with the meaning of life. He couldn’t help but question the importance of his existence and wondered if there was anything in this world worth living for. However, while meditating on Matthew 10:29-31, Pastor Hyunjoon realized his precious identity and purpose as a child of God and committed his life to serving God and His people. After graduating from Yonsei University with a Bachelor and Masters degree in Theology, Pastor Hyunjoon moved with his family to Boston. There he met Pastor Paul and Becky JDSN, founder of Berkland Baptist Church (BBC), under whose dedication and love Pastor Hyunjoon answered the call to become a minister. Following his Master of Divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Pastor Hyunjoon was ordained as a pastor at Boston BBC in 2000 and sent to lead the Korean Department at BBC’s church in Los Angeles. In 2002, he answered God’s call to serve at the New York Branch of BBC, known as Compass Fellowship Church today, to begin the Korean Department ministry. And finally, following BBC’s history of church planting, the Korean Department took a step of faith in 2013 to be planted as a new church—Faithful Korean Baptist Church—where Pastor Hyunjoon serves today.

Yonglim Park studied vocal performance at New England Conservatory, Boston.  Though she is passionate about music, she serves alongside Pastor Hyunjoon to primarily teach God’s word. As much as singing is a great joy to her, Yonglim confesses that there is no greater joy than witnessing the miracle of salvation and the transformations that arise because of God’s word. 

Contact Information

박현준 목사님(Pastor Hyunjoon Park) 
Email:   hyunjoonpark@gmail.com
Phone: 201-446-4096

박용림사모님 (Yonglim Park) 
Email:   yonglimpark@hotmail.com
Phone: 201-741- 5494